Thursday, July 19, 2007


Please be careful of NICOLE. Have you noticed she hasn't given any information on her treatment? I had an aunt who died of colon/liver cancer and there is treatment. And your eyes don't yellow ... her first post until much later on when death is knocking. Don't mean to be crude but I don't like when people take cancer and pull on peoples strings. I've lost so many people to cancer and it hurts. Emotionally it is draining to watch someone you love deal with it to hurt with them and for them. She's pulling on peoples heart strings and it's just not fair to them. Why do people buy into the lie?


Darla said...
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Unknown said...

Look.... I know what losing someone to cancer is like. My FIL had colon cancer in his liver. My mother had a brain tumor. My grandmother had leukemia. My grandfather has pancreatic cancer.

But this is not necessary. Maybe she is lying, maybe she isn't. It will not hurt for her to be prayed for and encouraged.


Darla said...
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