Thursday, July 19, 2007

Manipulation ...

Is a terrible thing. Manipulating people to get love and attention screams that there is something wrong inside of a person. What that person needs is to know that they are loved and accepted for WHO they are not for who they make themselves out to be. There is a longing inside each of us to be loved, accepted and cared for. Some people lack that and so they search it out. They say things that will make others love them, accept them, care for them, even go out of their way for them. It feeds something inside that deeply desires love and craves attention in a personal way. What they really need to know is that they can be loved without the lies, without the mask of who they really are. Somewhere they have been wounded to think that they cannot be loved for who they are ... and they were lied to for that. Each of us IS LOVED for who we are, right where we are ... by God. Sometimes though that love doesn't seem like enough because it is not tangible. So we reach out for someone who will tangibly love us ... however for those playing this game ... it is never enough. The rabbit hole always gets deeper and deeper, until we find our worth in CHRIST.


Michele said...

Nicole ... I will pray for you. What you need is to have someone you can face in person who can walk with you through this. I did leave you scriptures. Manipulating folks will work to feed your need for a while but then you will need something more ... so where do you go next? You are loved for who you are. God loves you just as you are ... we are all sinners and he loves us all. He died for us. He gave up his life.

I know sometimes a tangible person or card, e-mail can feel so good when you crave love and attention. But you don't have to make up something to get there. Allow people to LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE -- because they will. There are good, godly people out there who do love God and then in turn love others with his love. Allow that to happen for who you are and not for the person you make up.

Michele said...

And you wrote your first post on June 22. I'm here to tell you treatment would have started by now. It's been almost a month since you 'found out' about your 'cancer'. Treatment would have begun by now. Just being honest. YOU ARE LOVED EVEN STILL.